Saturday, May 9, 2015

What beats a sunset?

Directly outside of my dorm, when I turn to the right, this is my view. When the sun is setting, nothing beats the beauty of this pathway. 

The sun casts an amazing light all over campus, and although the sunsets are always spectacular, they are especially amazing on certain nights- nights like this.

Watching the sunset is one of the most simply rewarding experiences. Everything is still but moves and its really a surreal feeling. I am so lucky to have such an amazing view like this every night- nothing beats the sunset.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Iron Chef

 Every year our school holds and Iron Chef competition in which two students from each dorm compete against the other dorms in the kitchen using a mystery ingredient.
 This years secret ingredient?
Pizza Dough
 The students made and array of different dishes, and enjoyed spending the day in the kitchen with the dining hall staff.

 The students were allowed to sit together and share the dishes they made after they had been judged by a teacher-panel.

Both the faculty and the faculty children found something they liked in all the dishes prepared and Manor House emerged the victor.