Thursday, June 11, 2015

Goofy Beach Day

I was super confused as to how there could possibly be a mask on the beach given the massive dredging effort, but i stepped on something funny and found this little blue snorkel mask. Its so interesting the things that end up washed up on the beach.
We decided to be goofy and have our reflections in the sand. It took us entirely too long to get it right, three tries to draw the faces and the water catching up to us a little too quickly prior to speed snapping these photos. They turned out super awesome. 
Blonde bombshell on the beach? Thats an alliteration for ya.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Fine Dining

Whenever your mom comes to visit and tells you "No jeans tonight, were going out to a nice restaurant" I wouldn't call the feeling good when I have to change my entire outfit plan. "We" decided to go to a French restaurant in Newport on Thames.

 The presentation of the food was truly incredible and they looked too beautiful to eat. I am sure the waiter and the folks dining around us were not amused by the fact that I got up to walk around the table because I was not pleased with the angle from my seat. 

Anyone who knows me could guess that my favorite part of every meal is dessert. I have an unsatisfiable sweet tooth. In addition to some apple cobbler and my personal favorite raspberry sorbet (that did not last long enough for a decent photo) We had some killer cappuccinos. I am a huge fan of a good cup of coffee, not because it wakes me up but simply for its taste. This was easily one of the best cappuccinos I have ever had. 
I suppose the 'no-jeans' dinner wasn't so bad after all. Although next time I would love to not have a dress code to go to a meal- I get enough of that at school.


 This year Portsmouth Abbey's Junior Senior prom was held at The Viking Hotel in Newport, Rhode Island. This was a change of scenery for veteran prom-goers who have gone the past year or two years to The Glenn Manor House in Middletown. The change was made to make tickets more affordable for students.

 The change-up certainly did not affect the students and they still had a blast at The Viking. Everyone was looking fabulous and the dance floor was full the entire night.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

What beats a sunset?

Directly outside of my dorm, when I turn to the right, this is my view. When the sun is setting, nothing beats the beauty of this pathway. 

The sun casts an amazing light all over campus, and although the sunsets are always spectacular, they are especially amazing on certain nights- nights like this.

Watching the sunset is one of the most simply rewarding experiences. Everything is still but moves and its really a surreal feeling. I am so lucky to have such an amazing view like this every night- nothing beats the sunset.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Iron Chef

 Every year our school holds and Iron Chef competition in which two students from each dorm compete against the other dorms in the kitchen using a mystery ingredient.
 This years secret ingredient?
Pizza Dough
 The students made and array of different dishes, and enjoyed spending the day in the kitchen with the dining hall staff.

 The students were allowed to sit together and share the dishes they made after they had been judged by a teacher-panel.

Both the faculty and the faculty children found something they liked in all the dishes prepared and Manor House emerged the victor.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sunday Adventures

This was probably the first sunday of the year where we didn't need to wear jackets to hangout outside, The sun was shining, and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. It's one of the days where you just let the sun sit on your skin and warm you after the cool breeze lofts by.

We were fortunate enough to encounter a small snake when we were walking to the waterfall, for such a small creature it moved incredibly fast and I had trouble capturing any photos of it. It has a very small red tongue and was hissing at as quite a bit. 

Right behind the fields there is a small little dam that now we call the 'waterfall' its certainly nothing grand but its nothing short of wonderful. Its about 10ft high and you can walk across if you are extremely careful and have a helping hand. Watching and listening to the rushing water is mesmerizing- the water from here actually flows downstream and into the ocean.

 I was really excited to see that the Daffodils have finally begun to blossom- Spring has sprung! There were so many in the woods and around the paths we were walking on.