Friday, March 20, 2015

"The best Sorbet in Paris"

"Wanna go to the best sorbet place in Paris?"
You can guess my answer...
As we left Shakespeare and Company book store and Library, my brother told me that 'the best sorbet place in Paris' was just a couple of blocks away. He told me that the restaurant was featured on Anthony Bourdains tv show. That made me more excited to try this famous sorbet.

Upon arrival I was impressed with the flavor selection. I was also excited to see that there was a line outside the door- a sign of a good place.
The shoppe was very small inside and had all the flavors in two freezer coolers. After bickering about what flavors to share, my brother and I managed to agree on Framboise and Chocolat. (Raspberry and Chocolate)
You can tell by our smiles that we enjoyed our frozen treat. The two complimented eachother very well, and made for a great pick-me-up. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015


My favorite food group is chocolate. I never get sick of it, I like all different kinds, and ill try just about anything if you put some chocolate on it. So naturally, I am constantly annoying my brother as i walk in and out of just about every shop that has chocolates on display. Although we tried a myriad of different chocolates im only going to write about my two favorites (so far).

We went into a shoppe called "Roussels'" and they sold macarons, chocolates, and various other goodies and treats. After Ladurée though, you won't be able to get me to try any other type of Macaron. But these chocolates looked amazing, I was only going to buy four (I typically but four chocolates and try them, and save the receipt so if I liked them I can go back) but my brother suggested we buy a box, since they looked so delicious. I of course, chose four Raspberry- two milk and two dark, but my brother chose a green tea peach, earl grey ganache, and raspberry as well.
When we decided to try them as we were walking to get Gelato - ill make a post about that shortly - and we were not dissapointed. My favlorite was the dark chocolate Raspberry but they were all delicious. 
I saw through the corner of my eye a very small chocolate counter in another sweet shoppe when Willie and I were walking around the street market just around the corner from his apartment. I bought two raspberry and two passion fruit chocolates. The passion fruit chocolates were great, but they didn't really have much passion fruit flavor to them, nevertheless I still enjoyed them because either way- its chocolate. The raspberry chocolates were phenominal and perfectly balanced together. I love finding great chocolates here, because they are always worth the price.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Notre Dame

If you ever make it to this Beautiful city, dont just look at Notre Dame from the outside, but wait in line and go inside and  walk up. It is totally worth the wait. We waited in line for about 45 minutes, but if youre a student, admission is free- so again, worth the wait. 
Notre Dame was scheduled to be demolished in the early nineteenth century, so Victor Hugo wrote the famous 'Hunch Back of Notre Dame' to try and save the Cathedral. His attempts proved sucessful and the cathedral was saved from demolition.
My brother and I lit a candle in memory of  lost family and friends. It amazes me to see the amount of Candles lit in the cathedral and think of all the intentions behind them. I wish I could learn all the stories that pass through the church on a daily basis.
Beginning the Ascent to the top of the right tower.
Notice in the backdrop of the following image, the Sacre Cœur.


I Arrived in Paris early this morning and started the day off with a nap at my brothers apartment! Jetlag really gets ya... After waking up and catching up for a little we ventured out to find Macarons! We decided to go to none other than the Famous Ladurée. In addition to the Macarons, we enjoyed a Raspberry Rose pastry and some Tea. 

The Four Macarons were Raspberry, Orange Citrus, Rose Petal, and lemon passion. My personal favorite was the raspberry, but my brother and I both enjoed the tangy orange one because it had a little kick to it. Our palates were confused when tasting the rose petal, because somehow they embodied the scent of a rose into a flavor and it was so light and airy and refreshing that it was similar to what you would dream of an edible rose to taste like.

The greatest challenge at Ladurée lies in keeping the bill reasonable, but everything we had exceeded my high expectations. In addition to fantastic tea and treats, the atmosphere of the shoppe enhanced the overall experience.

Hunting the Sun ~ Key Biscane

Alarm goes off at six. Hop in the car and were off to the very northern end of Key Biscane. The plan was to ahoot the rising sun but unfortunately the clouds wanted something else.

I really love things like the unpredictable weather, because although I had been anticipating a generic rising sun photo, i got to shoot a very interesting composition of rocks and clouds slightly elevated beyond the horizon. The colors were still magnificent, and despite the cloudy sky, my photos delivered more than I had hoped.
The clouds blocked the sun but made for a very interesting portal for the light to carry through. 

Pelican Palooza

The pelicans all flocked to the large boats docked in Key Largo and hung out in the sun. They are very funny creatures to watch, they seem very awkward but when they fly the look so majestic. Love photographing these birds!

The Everglades

Looking out at all the birds! On a small sand bar there were a ton of birds all hanging out, they flew in unison, and it seemed like the small birds were dancing.

The birds in the Everglades are so accustomed to people, that you get just inches away from them and they dont flinch or fly away, i can appreciate this as they held still and gave me the oppurtunity to tale some awesome close-ups! It seemed more like they were posing for the camera...

This is the first time, despite many trips to southern florida, that I have visited the everglades. The pictures certainly do no justice to the abundance of creatures in the park. The family and I really enjoyed walking around! It's totally worth the trip!